The Hoboken Journal- Archive Site

A Hoboken Blog about politics and events.

Archive for September 2009

Zimmer on Hoboken’s Fiscal Situation

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Here is a press release from Acting Mayor of Hoboken, Dawn Zimmer….


Mayor Zimmer announced that she proposed four benchmarks of fiscal responsibility to the State Local Finance Board, that if achieved should be given weight when the Board considers a request from Hoboken for removing State Supervision. These benchmarks were presented at the Local Finance Board meeting held on Wednesday, September 8th in Trenton by Hoboken transition counsel Edward J. Buzak. The local finance board agreed that it would be appropriate for Hoboken to apply for an end to State supervision after the benchmarks proposed by Mayor Zimmer were achieved.

They are:
– Adoption of a fully funded budget
– Completion of a certified audit
– Preparation, adoption and implementation of a Corrective Action Plan addressing any issues arising in the Certified Audit
– Hiring of a qualified Business Administrator

Zimmer, as part of her remarks before the Board, said, “These benchmarks, if met, I believe, would represent a fair and objective standard for determining that the State’s fiscal monitoring of our City is no longer necessary.”

Zimmer said, “I believe that we had a productive meeting and opened up what is likely to be an ongoing constructive conversation. I am strongly committed to taking the steps required to ensure fiscal responsibility. I appreciate the hard work and analysis that has been done by our fiscal monitor as we move to put our fiscal house in order… Our residents have paid a high price for budgets that were put together with smoke and mirrors. We must emerge from State supervision having set a different course, making accountability, transparency and sound budget practices the Hoboken way.”

Written by reformerusg

September 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM

Posted in Uncategorized’s Hoboken Now Reports Frank Raia is Running for Mayor

leave a comment »’s Hoboken Now Reports Frank Raia is Running for Mayor. Here is the story:

My Comment: Does anyone remember the Frank Raia Commercials from 2005 ‘s Mayoral Run? The one that went “I can’t find parking on Bloomfield”. Classic. I look forward to whatever ads he comes up with for this race. I do feel as the status quo candidate it would be appropriate to shoot some of his campaign shots at the Malibu Diner. Afterall, he claimed he was the difference in getting the winning margin of absentee ballots for Peter Cammarano in the last runoff election.

Written by reformerusg

September 15, 2009 at 7:50 PM

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Another Photoshop from Graphix_Avenger

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Here is a another photoshop from contributor Graphix_Avenger who wishes Beth Mason well on her campaign but reminds readers what Beth has stood for in the past.

Written by reformerusg

September 15, 2009 at 6:35 PM

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Dawn Zimmer – Mayoral Kickoff Campaign

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Here is a campaign kickoff message from Dawn Zimmer:

Dear Friends, It is hard to believe, but another Hoboken election is just around the corner. In the few short weeks since I have become the Acting Mayor, we have begun to implement the changes Hoboken needs.

We are putting City Government back on the right path. But, to continue this work, we need to be successful on Election Day.And this is why I need to ask for your help once again.

This Thursday, September 17th, we are kicking off our campaign at Black Bear Bar and Grill, and we want you to be there. Join me and supporters from across Hoboken to voice our desire to keep making the change that Hoboken needs.

In addition, we are having a fundraiser tonight, Tuesday, September 15, hosted by Helen Hirsch. We are asking for a donation of $161 dollars, to signify the 161 vote gap we need to bridge on November 3rd. Be the difference in this election! I look forward to seeing you at either, or both, these events.

Thank you for your support, Dawn Zimmer

Written by reformerusg

September 15, 2009 at 6:24 PM

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Beth Mason to Announce Candidacy for Mayor – Tuesday September 14th

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Beth Mason to Announce Candidacy for Mayor

Here is a press release from Paul Swibinski sent today:

(Hoboken, N.J.) – Second Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason will officially announce her candidacy for Mayor at a Press Conference Tuesday, September 15th, at 6:00 p.m. at The Brass Rail, located at 135 Washington Street. Beth’s family, friends, supporters, business associates and fellow activists will be on hand as she enters the race. The Councilwoman will make a statement and take questions at the event, which will be held on the second floor of the restaurant.

Written by reformerusg

September 14, 2009 at 7:18 PM

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Update from Ravi Bhalla – Hoboken City Councilman at Large

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Update from Ravi Bhalla – Hoboken City Councilman at Large

Here is an email from Ravi Bhalla on the State Finance Board meeting last week and a call for civility during City Council Meetings…..

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, I accompanied Mayor Dawn Zimmer and Councilman Peter Cunningham to Trenton, NJ for a hearing before the Local Finance Board. For the past year, the City of Hoboken’s finances have been under State supervision. The purpose of the hearing was to determine whether Hoboken should remain under State supervision. Mayor Zimmer presented Hoboken’s case before the Board.

Our trip was very successful. The Local Finance Board, while determining that supervision remains appropriate at this time, agreed to reconsider its position in the future and allow Hoboken to petition the Board for relief from supervision upon the satisfaction of certain criteria, such as the passing of a fiscally sound budget. Notably, the Board’s Chairperson, Susan Jacobucci, also stated that while Hoboken is “on the right track,” she watched last week’s City Council meeting online and expressed strong concern about the lack of civility at the meeting.

As pleased as I am by Ms. Jacobucci’s confidence that we are on our way to fiscal stability, I am saddened to agree with her perception of last week’s City Council meeting. Not only was there a lack of decorum by some residents in attendance, unfortunately some of my own Council colleagues behaved no better. Council Members are public representatives and should be held to a higher standard of decorum. When Council Members speak out of turn, interrupt their colleagues, raise their voice, or act in an intimidating manner, this not only lessens the quality of discourse, but also sends the wrong message to the public – a message that unfortunately resonated all the way to the Local Finance Board in Trenton.

I attend Council meeting for the purpose of conducting the business of the City. We were elected to govern during these meetings, not play politics. As Council Members, we should behave in a civil and professional manner. Only by working together and respecting each other’s opinions can we finally move forward and leave the divisiveness of the past behind. The public deserves no less.

Thank you very much, and let’s get back to work!

Ravi S. Bhalla

Written by reformerusg

September 14, 2009 at 5:12 PM

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Letter to the Editor – From Infotainme on Possible Run for Mayor

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Hoboken Journal reader and sometime contibutor Infotainme Considers Hoboken Mayoral Run

Apparently Beth Mason and others already announced aren’t the only one’s considering a run for Hoboken Mayor. Here is an email submitted to me from writer Infotainme who contrubites to this site from time to time.

Is his consideration of running for Mayor delusions of grandeur, well crafted muckraking, or a sarcastic commentary on the state of of politic affairs? This article was submitted to me from Infotainme to serve up “a little distraction while we await the unfolding contrived drama of Ms, Mason’s ‘decision’ “.

Note: The dealine for petitions to be submitted for Hoboken Mayor is September 15th, 4pm at the city Clerk’s Office.

Here goes Infotainme again……

Run, Info, Run! Pleeeeeaaasssse…

True story. Recently I was taking my evening stroll along the strand at the Shipyard, contemplating THE REALLY BIG IDEAS, when a distraught citizen ran up to me jabbering incoherently. “Take it easy, old timer,” I said, handing him a few shillings for his trouble. I could barely make sense of his flood of words. But what came through most powerfully was a desperation for leadership. *My* leadership. Loosely paraphrased, his pleading went, “Please help, Info. Make it stop. You alone can clean up this mess in town. You and no one else.”

I listened quasi-intently through my headphones. After I got my discarded shillings back for next time, I walked on as he continued sputtering away over my shoulder. I felt the weight of his desperation like a, well, like a big ole weight that was made out of desperation.

Over the past few weeks this experience has been repeated in all corners of Hoboken. Always with the same grave concern. Info, please. Info, stop this madness. Info, you alone can bring the change we desperately need.

Could they be right? Not about me cleaning up after my LabraDane or getting him to stop uprooting trees in the sidewalk. Surely my tax dollars cover that, and that’s why I’m considering a partial payment at some point down the road. But could they be right that – now, more than ever, *my* leadership is what this town needs?

As Buster happily polished off a large cat or small dog to the delight of a sobbing child, I looked up from my reverie and I found that I was standing at the corner of Constitution and Sinatra. Just as the angels had planned it…

Constitution and Sinatra. Who could ever *unite* those two diverse notions? Our founding legal document and our beloved but not-exactly-constitutional crooner. Those are the values we all share regardless of circumstances. The sacred rights of We the People and secret wisdom of Old Blue Eyes. Must they always be at odds? New Hoboken yelling, no amount of old time politics will produce another Pier A. Old Hoboken hollering back, no amount of your parlor reform BS and consumer fetishes will produce another Frankie. (You have to give that one to the Frankophiles.)

Just then a rat came scuttling up from the ferry and stopped to face me. His ratular voice somehow cut a path through the white noise in my ears. “If you peddle it, they will buy.”

What? You want a pencil? I don’t have a pencil. Shove off. “If you peddle it, they will buy.”

Wait, one more time? I grudgingly turned off my mp3 player. “If you effing peddle it, they will effing buy. Moron.”

Buster enjoyed the pleasant autumnal crunching sounds the magic rat made in his mouth, nothing like the cat/dog, or the crybaby’s tricycle.

As we headed for home I knew I had to make a decision. I saw myself as that judge in the Bible story who was trying to figure out if he could saw the baby into enough pieces for all the guests at the wedding and wondering if the widow was worth all the trouble. Would it kill her to show a little leg?

(Notebook entry: cross off ‘incorporate some holy crap’ from the list of ideas I got from the Swibinski seminar; make sure to erase all notebook entries from final draft.)

When I got home I googled Hoboken+rat. This unfortunately yielded over 12 million entries, so I had to keep narrowing the search. After 4 hours, I got it down to 97,000 options.

And finally I found it – the reason that I am announcing today my candidacy to be your next mayor.

(Notebook entry: paid applause – 7 minutes.)

Oh how I had tried to shut out your voices, those tiny little, annoying voices. But I don’t have those really good noise-cancelling headphones that I’ll have as mayor. Or maybe, just maybe, my heart … is just too big…

(Notebook entry: fake tears. Watch a chick movie beforehand if necessary.)

Now then. Let’s talk about my ‘competition’. Can any of them *really* deliver the goods you’ve been incessantly whining about? What about the ‘transparency’ you’re always blubbering for? Can they produce a list anywhere near as long as mine of business associates and ex-girlfriends who swear that I am the most transparent person they ever met? I think not. Resumes, people, resumes.

And didn’t I hear you braying like a mud-stuck mule about efficiency? Try this on for size – I’m being fitted for a prosthetic arm, even though I have 2 perfectly good arms. Why? The extra arm will hold my sport coat jauntily over my shoulder in the classic campaign trail pose, leaving both hands free to collect donations and grope certain members of the public. Funny, I don’t recall reading anything of the sort on my opponents’ websites. Too busy?

These losers also *claim* to value the little people. But let me assure you, you can’t imagine how small you are to me; and it’s my solemn vow that no one will ever make you feel smaller than I will.

So, who stands alone at the intersection of Constitution and Sinatra with a psychotic rat-eating dog? One man – Info. In-Fo! In-Fo! In-Fo! In-Fo!

Can’t be done you say? Let’s take a simple example. Building variances. Old-timey ‘Sinatra’ way – sell ‘em at Malibu under the table, $5000 a pop. Mincing reformer, ie ‘Constitution’ way – no variances, and no $5000. *My* way – auction ‘em off at city hall. Transparency *and* – a whole lot more than $5000 for the city even after I take my cut. That’s right, bring the vulture bastards downtown and let ‘em have a bidding war for what’s left of the city’s soul. It’s a little late for hand-wringing about over-development, wouldn’t you say?

Which reminds me of transparency idea #2. Campaign transparency. Debates will be replaced by actual hand-wringing contests judged by retired Canadian school teachers. My money’s on Ms. Mason, eh?

But think of it – what if she turns out to be the biggest scandal to hit town since Zimmer tricked Cammarano into accepting bribes so she could become a dual office holder? Who didn’t see that coming?

That’s why you need me. You can see me coming from a mile off. Want more of the good old fashioned common sense thinking that will soon take this city by storm?

Washington Street. The first problem is the name. Be honest – tell me this isn’t the gayest statue you’ve ever seen. Except for a few over-hyped accidents of history Washington was basically a loser. (Re: the battle of Trenton – it was Christmas; the Hessians were as drunk as humanly possible. It was like ‘attacking’ Willie McBrides on New Years.) So, we’re officially done with George. Washington Street will now be known as – the Infobahn, a 6-lane 2-level super-highway. How does 1st to 14th 3 1/2 seconds sound, grandpa? Zoom-zoom.

Sensitive as I am to the *feelings*… of the community, I will act in my first days in office to set up a NIMFOBY office –Not in My Front or Back Yard- to field complaints about my many infrastructure projects, the debtors prison, etc. The NIMFOBY will be an unstaffed booth-like ‘facility’ such as you would find in the many construction sites around town, but you can still go there to complain if you feel traffic is passing too close to your sofa. $20/minute. PS. If your sofa interferes with traffic, expect a hefty fine. My administration is serious about fines. I’m sure public safety is nice too. (Overrated.)

Progress breaks a few eggs. Genius is an all-out egg storm.

I haven’t yet decided whether to outlaw the city council or simply outlaw city council meetings. Decisions, decisions. Given my commitment to transparency, I suppose the truest course of action would be to replace them with a rubber stamp – literally. From Staples – that was easy.

By now you are wondering what great idea animates your shepherd. Even as I am wondering how much longer I have to talk to you and pretend to care what you say.

Well, my google searches all came a cropper until I retraced my steps –and Buster’s- and added the missing ingredient: Hoboken+rat *eating*. And voila – up came Hoboken’s other native son, G. Gordon Liddy, who famously caught, cooked, and ate a rat in our fair city to overcome his fear of same.
( )

And so must you all. Until you eat of the rat you will always be afraid of each other – and more importantly – of me, who am here to save you from your natural inclination to be tedious as hell. That and to take you to the cleaners.

To inspire you I am planning a Million Rat March on City Hall. While I don’t yet have a million rats and have limited knowledge of rat husbandry, I’ll definitely get to that magic number soon enough if I judge from the non-stop squealing in the basement. I leave a mirror ball and Barry White on 24/7 for ‘my crew’. I started out with 4 rats, but it’s a full-on sex party down there. I am receiving encouraging complaints almost hourly from my soon-to-be ex-neighbors. I and the rats will process – as it were – to city hall about a week before the election. Bring ketchup.

In closing, realize that I know your thoughts. To the extent that you ever have thoughts. And I hear your questions before you can formulate them. Such as, Info – why are you squandering your valuable time with us? Info – shouldn’t you be busy selecting your office staff from the Victoria’s Secret Catalog?

Yes, dear little ones, yes. Yes to both. And I am encouraged by your grasp of what a colossal waste of time it is for me to talk to you. I love you too much to spend any time with you at all. Instead, I should be looking out for your welfare as only I can do and as you will trust me to do. Because I am peddling, and you will buy. That’s what you’re good at.

And we’ll need a new name for our re-imagined city. How does Ratopia sound?

Written by reformerusg

September 14, 2009 at 5:00 PM

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Beth Mason Picks Up Petitions for Hoboken Mayoral Run

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Here is a press release from Paul Swibinski on the fact that Beth Mason has picked up petitions to potentially get on the ballot for the upcoming Hoboken Mayoral special election:


(Hoboken, N.J.) — Councilwoman Beth Mason took another step towards declaring her candidacy for Mayor of Hoboken today by picking up nominating petitions. Beth is strongly considering entering the race and has been discussing the situation with family, friends and supporters for several weeks. She has also opened a campaign account, has started assembling a campaign team and is filing with the state ELEC.

Beth is issuing the following statement:

“Over the past few weeks, I have heard from family and friends from all corners of Hoboken asking about my future plans. Many have urged me to run for Mayor in the Special Election in November. We all share a grave concern over the direction of our city and the choice by the Mayor to remain in her position as Council President, effectively flouting any separation of powers between the Executive and Legislative branches of our municipal government. This dual-office holding is a disturbing violation of our core principles. The result is too much power in one person’s hands for too long a time. Anyone who is truly committed to reform must understand that he or she is not above the values that we all share, regardless of circumstances. As an activist for openness and transparency in government, Dawn Zimmer’s decision to become a dual-office holder is extremely troubling to me.

I will be consulting my family, friends and supporters over the next several days, and will formally announce my intentions early next week.”

My initial comment: I approve of everybody that is so inclined to run to do so. Beth Mason of course has a right to run but what is her one goal? Is it hers or ours? Where is her base? Where is her platform? Or do we just have to review her resume and assume it is accurate? Can we vet that resume to see what she actually accomplished as a consultant?

Keep in mind that just last September when I had considered helping her on a campaign she did not like to word reform being attached to her potential candidacy. And now she is is purporting to be reform movement’s standard bearer? I’m not buying it one bit.

Dawn Zimmer has done nothing in my mind to abuse her power in a temporary dual office situation. A situation not brought on by her but on the officially elected Peter Cammarano and his one month term in office ravaged by scandal. Guess who was Peter Cammarano’s campaign manager at the end of his campaign? If you guessed Paul Swibinski you are correct!

Paul Swibinksi is a talented campaign manager (heck, he is 14-2 in regional Mayoral elections) and is a master of negative campaigning not to mention the skillful twisting of events into well honed political propaganda and out of focus bad shots of female candidates (Marsh 2005). It is a safe bet that whoever Swibinski is behind that it will not be a reform candidate. At least not in Hoboken.

With that said, I look forward to Beth Mason’s plan to improve Hoboken’s governance should she decide to run. I will not be taken in by negative campaigning such as this and would like to see what Beth Mason proposes she would do differently.

Written by reformerusg

September 9, 2009 at 4:39 PM

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Mitvah Day – Volunteers still needed for Jubilee Center and Hoboken Shelter

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The United Synagogue of Hoboken is holding a serie of volunteer projects this coming Sunday September 13th. Here is a description of the event and a list of activities for members of the community to get involved in.

Mitzvah Day September 13th, 2009

What?: A chance for the U.S.H. community — adults and children of all ages — to participate in one of 10 different community-service projects around our area, including:

• Delivering Rosh HaShanah gifts to seniors,
• Sending cards to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan,
• Assisting at the Hoboken Jubilee Center, the Hoboken Boys and Girls Club, and an animal shelter,
• Educating families about nutrition,
• Preparing the United Synagogue of Hoboken building for the High Holidays,
• Creating artwork for hospital patients,
• And more.
The day concludes with the USH Welcome Back Barbecue (4pm).

Why?: Here are some reasons why to parctipate….

• Make a significant contribution to our surrounding community.
• Learn new skills.
• Meet people from our community.
• Have fun.
• Get a taste of a volunteer opportunity that you may be interested in doing regularly.

How? :Look over the list of activities; choose a first, second and third choice. Send the form to the synagogue, or to By Sept 9, you’ll hear back with details of your volunteer assignment.

Update 9/9/2009:
The place where volunteers are still needed the most is at the Jubilee Center, to paintrooms there. We could still use as many people as we can get for that.The rest of the activities are in pretty good shape, though theHoboken Shelter could use one or two more as well.

Here is the flier and sign up form on Slideshare:

Written by reformerusg

September 9, 2009 at 3:30 PM

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Hoboken City Council Meeting Videos from 9/2/2009

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For those of you who missed the City Council meeting last night like me, here is the meeting in two parts courtesy of the City of Hoboken….

Hoboken City Council Meeting 9/2/2009 Part 1 of 2:

Hoboken City Council Meeting 9/2/2009 Part 2 of 2:

Written by reformerusg

September 3, 2009 at 11:55 AM

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